Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Preschoolers and Parents Reading Together

Preschoolers and Parents Reading Together
Laurie Weinreb-Welch, Extension Educator
Penn State Cooperative Extension-Clinton County

Teachers and child development experts agree that reading aloud to our child and having your child read aloud to you can be a tremendous benefit. Because children can hear and understand words and concepts that they could not possibly read on their own, reading together can help expand your child’s vocabulary, increase knowledge, and develop enthusiasm for reading. In addition, books that are more difficult to read may have more exciting and colorful descriptions than books designed for beginning readers. Almost every child has the potential and ability to read well. The most important thing you can do to help your children become good readers is to read to them everyday.
There are wide varieties of activities you can do with your preschooler to help extend the reading session. Here are some tips to keep in mind when reading with your preschooler:

Try to establish a routine by reading to them at the same time everyday (before bedtime is preferable).
Do not stop in the middle. Read a chapter or set a number of pages every night until you finish.
Use inflections when you read, be spirited.
Try to adjust the rhythm of your reading to fit the action, for example, during and emotional moment, read slower to create suspense and your child more interested in the story.
After you and your child read together, talk about what you have read.
Try pairing a book of fiction with a nonfiction book on the same topic. Pairing books in this way will help your child understand the fictional work better, and will also broaden their knowledge and enhance learning.

It is also important to create a home environment that encourages reading for your preschooler and everyone living in the home. Try to keep books in every room of your home. Fill your home with books borrowed from the library, newspapers and magazines. Keep an eye out for inexpensive books at flea markets, garage sales and used bookstores. Collecting books can be an important family activity. Parents send the message that you value reading, and that books are important and fun. You will also give assess to a wealth of reading material. It can be helpful to designate a bookcase or shelf especially for your preschooler. Visiting the library with your child also shows your commitment to reading. Go to the children’s section and spend time reading and selecting books to take home. Check out books yourself and have your child check out their own books to show your child everyone can use and enjoy books and the library.
Children and parents alike will benefit from this shared quality time together. By reading with your children, not only will you help improve their reading skills, you will help them develop a love for reading that will last throughout their lives.

Materials adapted from, “Reading Wizards: Parents and Children Reading Together”. Dr. Daniel Perkins, Penn State University. (May 2001)

Community Report Care 2007

The Clinton County Early Care and Education Initiative
2006-2007 Community Report Card

Vision Statement: High quality early care and education is a valued priority

Mission: To educate, assist and involve Clinton County families, businesses and communities in understanding and valuing the important role quality early care and education plays in determining future success.

Did you know?
In the US, an estimated 6 million children under the age of 3 spend some or all of their day being cared for by someone other than a member of their immediate family
There are over 4,440 children under the age of 14 living in Clinton County and only 750 registered child care spots in 2007?

What has the Clinton County Early Care and Education Initiative done to address these issues in 2006-2007 ?
Serves as Chair of the Clinton County Collaborative Board which meets on a monthly basis with a variety of agencies to address a wide array of community issues
Provided free school readiness information for parents of children enrolling in Kindergarten.
Hosted a Child Care Focus group for child care providers to survey their needs and the needs of their clients
Staffed an educational display at the Children’s Festival
Developed an educational display at the Clinton County Expo in which @9,000 residents attended
Provided resources for Licensed childcare providers for Child Care Provider Appreciation Day in May
Developed and distributed an updated listing of all licensed providers in the county
Sponsored educational radio advertisements on how to choose quality childcare and promote Keystone Stars, PA Promise for Children and Pre K Counts Initiative
Developed billboards in the community to educate the public about childcare issuess
Develop and maintain a website that provides early care and education information (www.clintoncountychildcare.org)
Wrote and had published 6 issues of the Family Fun Guide through the Lock Haven Express in collaboration with community agencies
Hosted two a business forums for community business leaders
Enhance the Early Care and Education Lending Library at Clinton County Cooperative Extension and the Ross Library and their branch libraries
Worked with the local Interagency Coordinating Council to offer specialized trainings and screenings for children
Hosted a legislative luncheon to update local officials on the accomplishments of the engagement team and new initiatives
Coordinated the PA One Book Initiative in Clinton County
Served on the planning committed for the Pre K Counts Initiative
Worked with local childcare providers and the school district to host a school transition experience for children ready to enter kindergarten
In 2006-2007 offered 30 hours of Act 48 and DPW credit hours (and CEU’s) to child care providers and parents and trained 300 providers.

Benefits to Quality Care and Education:
Research indicates the skills learned in the first five years of life are critical to future school success
For every $1 invested in quality early childhood programs, there is a long-term benefit of $8 in public savings by increasing the likelihood that children will stay in school and become employed
Children demonstrate greater social skills as pre-schoolers, kindergarten and primary grades
Children show greater motivation for learning and commitment to school and have better school attendance rates
Demonstrate better classroom behavior and have better relations with teachers and classmates
Parents who have access to quality childcare are more likely to maintain steady employment, contribute to the community and become productive workers and community members

For more information: Contact Laurie Welch at 726-0022 or visit www.clintoncountychildcare.org

School Readiness

It is never too early to start preparing your child to succeed in school. School readiness refers to having a child being ready academically, socially and good communication skills and display independence to succeed in school. Getting your child ready for school requires parents and caregivers spending time reading, talking and playing with your child.

To assist your child academically for school, you should:
Read to your child every day and talk about what you have read.
Go to the library and check out books.
Sing songs
Help your child recognize their own name and have them try to write it.
Let your child color, draw, cut and paste.
Play with puzzles that help with problem solving.
Play games and sing songs to help teach the alphabet and numbers.

To assist your child socially, you should:
Have a regular routine for meals and bedtime.
Set rules and have consequences for not following them.
Encourage your children to play with other children.
Teach the basics of sharing and taking turns.
Teach children not to hit, scream or other negative behaviors.

To assist your child develop a sense of independence, you should:
Buy clothing that is easy for your child to do on their own
Have your child do simple chores around the house
Let your child work on puzzles or games by themselves

To assist your child in developing communication skills, you should:
Have conversations with your child
Teach your child to listen when others speak
Help children learn and use new words

If your child is enrolled in a child care program, make sure they have well planned activities that encourage and promote learning. Preparing your child ahead of time will help make school and more rewarding experience for them.

Childcare in Clinton County

There are over 6,000 children under the age of 14 living in Clinton County
There are only 700 registered child care spaces
Communities such as Lock Haven and Mill Hall there is an abundance of child care programs, yet residents of Renovo and Loganton must travel over 30 miles to reach a registered child care provider
In the US, an estimated 6 million children under the age of 3 spend some or all of their day being cared for by someone other than a member of their immediate family
80% of US employers reported that child care problems force employees to lose work time
1/3 of parents with children under the age of 6 have child care arrangements that fall apart within 3 months
Employed parents who experience fewer disruptions in their childcare arrangements are less stressed, better coping and more satisfied with their jobs in general

Why the need for quality early care and education?
High quality early childhood services support healthy development over the long term
High quality early childhood care influence’s a child’s ability to succeed in school
School age child care programs have been shown to reduce drug abuse and increase school attendance.
For every $1 invested in quality early childhood programs, there is a long-term benefit of $8 in public savings by increasing the likelihood that children will stay in school and become employed
Parents who have access to quality childcare are more likely to maintain steady employment, contribute to the community and become productive workers
A county that makes the necessary investments in early childhood programs will see a positive far-reaching ripple effect to the overall benefit of its communities.

Our Children Deserve quality care;
Our parents need it;
Our employer’s count on it;
Our community’s future depends on it;
Licensed/regulated providers give it.

For information on how to choose or find quality childcare programs in Clinton County:
Contact the Clinton County Early Care and Initiative, Laurie Welch at Penn State Cooperative Extension 570-726-0022 or law27@psu.edu or Child Care Information Services 1-800-346-3020.

Childcare Works

Child Care Works Subsidy Program
Helping working parents work
while our children grow

Pennsylvania’s Child Care Works Subsidy supports parents who are working hard to provide for their families while giving their children the opportunity to participate in early learning programs.

Child Care Works makes it possible for child care programs to serve children whose working families could not otherwise afford care. Child care is expensive for parents—usually on par with their housing costs. Through the Child Care Works partnership, working parents have a co-payment in addition to the state subsidy that Child Care Works provides. Families earning 200% or less of the federal poverty level are eligible to apply. A family of four earning $40,000 a year would be eligible for this program.
Child Care Works
Makes a Difference

Keeps parents working and makes them more reliable in the workplace:
Research shows that access to reliable, affordable child care makes it possible for parents to successfully complete job training programs, retain employment, have less absences and be more productive at work. (National Child Care Information Center)

A GAO report found that single parents who received child care assistance more often successfully completed their training, obtained jobs or experienced other positive outcomes, such as returning to school.

Positive benefits for Pennsylvania’s working families
Approximately 221,000 children total are served throughout the year—nearly 130,000 children each month—enabling our families to be responsible about their children while working.

Child Care Works provides assistance to families so they can choose the best options for their child. A network of local Child Care Information Services (CCIS) agencies provide parents information about early childhood and school-age programs in their community and how to choose quality early learning for their child.

Child Care Works is responding to families.
The network of Child Care Information Service (CCIS) agencies are now serving not only low-income working families who depend on Child Care Works to stay working and raise their children, but also to the individuals who are working or training and receiving TANF cash assistance. The unification of child care assistance services under the CCIS system will better support both parents and early childhood programs.

The Governor’s proposed investment for
FY 2007-2008 will make it possible to provide child care assistance to more children while strengthening the system as a whole.

Did you know that 70% of costs for a child care program are for staff and that staff are paid at or close to minimum wage? The Pennsylvania Child Care Association Wage and Benefit Survey found that the average starting wage for teaching aides in child care centers is only $6.36 per hour. As of July 1st, the minimum wage is $7.15/hr. And because the rest of the staff are paid only a little more than the aides, all personnel costs and all child care costs will rise considerably. Child Care Works must respond by providing more resources for the vulnerable, low-income children so that child care programs can continue to care for our vulnerable children and families. The resources for Child Care Works for FY 07-08 are essential to meet our minimum wage obligations—and to make sure that families can find programs that will serve them through the Child Care Works program.

In FY 2007-2008, more than 221,500 vulnerable children will be served, with new state investment of $77 million. For more information, contact the Office of Child Development and Early Learning at (717) 346-9320.

PA Keystone Stars

Keystone STARS:
Building a better, brighter future for Pennsylvania

Child care in Pennsylvania serves more than 300,000 children, and is the largest program helping to prepare Pennsylvania’s young children for school. Research shows that every moment is a learning experience for young children, and that the quality of these experiences has a great impact on the child.

Keystone STARS provides families with a tool to gauge the quality of child care programs and supports child care programs in their commitment to continuous quality improvement. Begun as a pilot program in 2002, Keystone STARS now is fully implemented and has been widely accepted by parents and early childhood programs. Programs may enter Keystone STARS at the Start with STARS level and earn a STAR 1 through STAR 4 rating based on research-based standards for staff education and professional development, the early learning environment, and business management As of December 2006, nearly 4,300 child care programs serving over 152,800 children were enrolled in Keystone STARS. This includes nearly 70 percent of the child care centers in the Commonwealth.

Keystone STARS
is making a difference

An evaluation report on Keystone STARS from the University of Pittsburgh and Penn State University1 found
o Keystone STARS is reversing the negative trend in child care quality that was evident in the late 1990’s.
o Child care centers in Keystone STARS have higher quality than the Pennsylvania average for child care centers and are showing higher quality now than at the inception of the STARS program.
Keystone STARS helps children, families and communities reach their promise:

· Keystone STARS increases access to quality early learning opportunities for Pennsylvania’s young children. As early learning programs earn higher STARS ratings, they are improving the quality of the early education each child receives. Children who attend high quality early learning programs do better in school; are less likely to repeat a grade or require special education services; are more likely to graduate high school and attend college; have higher earnings; and are more productive citizens.

· Keystone STARS helps parents make the best choices for their children and family. When looking for quality early learning programs, parents can use the Keystone STARS rating scale as a guide. With this information, parents can select the best early learning program for their child. The Keystone STARS supports make it possible for child care programs to improve their quality without drastically increasing the cost to parents.

Governor Rendell’s proposed FY 2007-08 investment of $56 million would benefit more than 176,000 children and make it possible for our child care programs to continue to improve the quality of early learning experiences they provide to our young children. For more information on Keystone STARS, contact the Office of Child Development and Early Learning at (717) 346-9320.

1 “Evaluation of Pennsylvania’s Keystone STARS Quality Rating System in Child Care Settings, “ December 2006, available at http://www.pakeys.org/stars/KeystoneStarsEvaluation.aspx

Pennslyvania Pre K Counts

Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts

Investing in a Better Future for Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania’s promise is our children –
Pennsylvania’s future relies on early education today.
If we want a good quality of life, high quality jobs and a strong economy for Pennsylvania, we need to provide opportunities to every Pennsylvanian. Early education can open the doors of opportunity for every child to do well in school, in the workforce, and in life.

Quality pre-kindergarten benefits children and families today and tomorrow, and greatly benefits Pennsylvania in the future.

A child’s early years are crucial to lifelong learning. Quality pre-kindergarten lays the foundation for future academic and career success.

· Children who attend high quality pre-kindergarten do better in school; are less likely to repeat a grade or require special education services; are more likely to graduate high school and attend college; have higher earnings; and are more productive citizens.
· Pennsylvania’s investment in quality pre-kindergarten programs could save Pennsylvania $100 million in future special education costs. Additional future tax savings are possible because children who are better educated are more productive as adults, likely to be healthier, pay more taxes, and less likely to require public assistance.
· Quality pre-kindergarten prepares children for reading and math, but also for paying attention, following directions, and getting along with others. Pre-kindergarten gives children a chance to learn, become excited about school and be better students.
· Quality pre-kindergarten makes early learning a family activity! Parents and teachers work together to provide learning activities in the classroom and in the home that meet the individual needs of the child.
· Quality education for our children today prepares them for high quality jobs tomorrow. A high quality workforce empowers Pennsylvania to compete nationally and globally, improving the quality of life for all.

Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts at a glance:
· What it covers: Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts provides parents in participating communities with options for full-day or half-day quality pre-kindergarten for their children in a school-based, child care center, Head Start, or nursery school program during the school year.
· Eligible children: All children in participating communities from age 3 until they enter kindergarten are eligible, with a focus on children at risk of academic failure. Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts supports the inclusion of children with diverse needs.Eligible programs: Any school district, Head Start program· , or nursery school that complies with all quality program expectations may apply. Child care centers or group day care homes with a STAR 2 rating or above may also apply.
· Communities: All eligible programs may apply, but programs in school districts with 30% or more children participating in the free or reduced lunch program, or individual programs focusing on services to children at risk of academic failure will receive priority in funding.
· Estimated number of children served: More than 11,000 children will be served.
Pennsylvania has taken the first step…
Pennsylvania has made great progress in serving young children through early childhood initiatives such as Accountability Block Grants, Keystone STARS, Early Intervention and the Head Start Supplemental Assistance program, but it’s just a start.

· More than 4,000 children are receiving pre-kindergarten in 2006-2007 through school-based programs in 44 school districts funded by the Accountability Block Grants.
· Nearly 90,000 of Pennsylvania’s 3 and 4 year olds are expected to participate in a quality early childhood program in 2006-07, 37,000 more children than were served in 2002-03.
· Impressive as these gains are, this is still only 31% of Pennsylvania’s 3 & 4 year olds. Many children in our most at-risk communities are currently left without access and unable to reap the benefits of quality early learning.

…Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts program will take our children to the top of the class!
The Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts pre-kindergarten program, established by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, will make quality pre-kindergarten opportunities available to children and families across the Commonwealth. Governor Rendell’s proposed investment of $75 million in Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts, as a new component of the Accountability Block Grant, will provide funding for more than 11,000 of our 3- and 4-year olds to attend quality half- and full-day pre-kindergarten in schools, Head Start, child care centers and nursery schools in the 2007-2008 school year.

“Our pre-kindergarten partnership provides our children with quality opportunities to grow and develop under the caring supervision of early childhood professionals. We work in collaboration with community early learning programs and consider this critical so that together we can assure all children and family a quality pre-kindergarten opportunity.”
- Dr. Beth Yonson, Superintendent, Morrisville Borough School District

Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts program:
· is based on the quality components adopted for pre-kindergarten by the State Board of Education;
· provides families in participating communities with a choice of quality pre-kindergarten options – in a school, child care center, Head Start, or nursery school;
· increases access to quality pre-kindergarten to children and families throughout the Commonwealth with a priority in at-risk communities;
· builds on the work of the Pre K Counts Public-Private Partnership for Educational Success, a three-year project funded by leading Pennsylvania foundations and supported by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Early results from this public-private initiative find that children’s early learning improves when all early learning programs in a community share resources to improve quality and coordinate early learning experiences in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and beyond.

For more information, visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education website at www.pde.state.pa.us.

Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts helps Pennsylvania’s children
reach their promise. Why wait?

Friday, September 7, 2007

Licensed childcare providers for Clinton County, PA



The largest percentage of children are cared for in family day care homes, especially infants and children under 3. In Pennsylvania, homes with more than three unrelated children follow state regulations.


Group day care is child care provided in a home setting for 6 to 12 children. When there are more than six children present, two caregivers are necessary. Group homes are subject to many of the same regulations that govern centers and they must renew their license each year.


Child care centers accommodate groups of children, including infants, preschoolers and mixed ages. The number of children depends on the size of the center. Centers follow state mandated regulations.


499 High Street, Flemington, PA 17745
Telephone: 570-893-8969
Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Ages served: All ages
Cost: Varies with age and number of hours
Enrollment size: 6
Services Provided: Individual attention is given by an experienced mom with an elementary education degree. Daily activities in a home atmosphere, provide a safe and comfortable environment that encourage healthy, social, emotional and cognitive growth. Large fenced in yard and relaxed atmosphere provided many opportunities for free play, teaching self help skills and exploring. Nutritional meals and snacks are provided.
Waiting List: Waiting list is maintained when full.
7 Girard Street, Mill Hall, PA 17751
Telephone: 570-726-7193
Hours: 7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Ages served: newborn – school age
Cost: please call for fee’s
Enrollment size: 6
Services Provided: Preschool program, field trips, snacks and meals.
Additional Information: I offer a fun educational pre school program that is enjoyed by all aged children. This program contains fun finger plays, music, arts and crafts and educational work sheets. We enjoy outside play in our own fenced in play areas and also enjoy walks. Though routine and structure important here my main goal is to provide your child with the love and care he/she deserves and to make sure fun and laughter fill our days.

315 East Main Street, Lock Haven, PA 17745
Telephone: 570-748-6518
Hours: 5:30 am-5:00 pm
Ages Served: All ages
Cost: Please call for rates
Enrollment size: 6

Services Provided: Nutritional meal and snacks. Your child will build his/her cognitive, emotional, social and physical skills through developmentally appropriate activities and play.
Additional Information; Convenient location and large fenced in backyard.


24 View Lane, Jersey Shore PA 17740
Telephone: 570-753-5900

Hours: All shifts (24 hours)
Ages served: 6 weeks to 12 years
Cost: call for rates
Enrollment size: 12 children
Services provided: The Funsteps and crafts program, healthy meals and snacks provided for children, daily walks to other playgrounds.
Waiting List: none

428 Fishing Creek Road, Mill Hall, PA 17751 (just outside Clintondale)
Telephone: 570-726-6271

Hours: 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Ages served: Infant – Kindergarten
Cost: Varies with age and number of hours
Enrollment size: 12
Services provided: Breakfast, lunch and snacks provided. Large yard for outside play. I encourage dancing, singing, arts and crafts, story time, dress up play and more. Children have free, individual and group play times. I also use Mother Goose and Early Start Preschool programs.

411 South Water Street, Mill Hall, PA 17751
Telephone: 570-726-4020

Hours: 5:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Ages served: 6 weeks to school age
Cost: Please call for information
Enrollment size: 12
Services provided: We provide a program that develops the child’s act of getting along with other children (sharing, taking turns, etc.). They learn the different colors, shapes, and alphabet. Activities include music, arts and crafts, pre-writing (printing), story time, and role playing. An outdoor play area is provided to exercise and enjoy free play time. Parental involvement is encouraged. Parents provide breakfast and lunch. We provide the snacks.
Waiting List: Waiting list maintained when full.

CATHY’S GINGERBREAD DAYCARE (CATHY REDMOND) Corner of Route 150 and Maple Avenue, 160 Main Street, Beech Creek, PA 16822
Telephone: 570-962-3897

Hours: 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. – Monday through Friday: Saturday hours and overnight are available: if needed. Play Day Program 9:00 am to 12:00 noon.
Ages served: All Ages
Cost: varies with hours: Full, Part Time, and Daily rates available. Full time care only pays for days you use our childcare.
Enrollment size: 12
Services provided: We operate in an old Victorian house and is designed as home life. We provide affordable services in which children can develop and grow socially, emotionally and intellectually in a safe and healthy home like atmosphere. Each room has various activities and for rest time each child has their own toddler bed. We have a large playground and driveway area. I provide breakfast, lunch, PM snack and dinner if needed. The Play Day program offers children social time and lunch after which they are picked up. The daycare is enrolled in the Keystone Stars Program (STAR 1).


225 East Church St, Lock Haven, PA 17745
Telephone: 570-748-8249

Hours: 6 a.m. – 8 p.m. – Monday through Friday
Ages served: 6 weeks – 12 years – Infants – School-age
Cost: Varies with age and schedule
Enrollment size: 169
Services provided: Breakfast, lunch and snacks provided. Come be part of our family. Preschool program, before and after school program, field trips and pre-kindergarten morning sessions available for preparing children educational activities for school. Involved in the Keystone Stars Program.
Waiting List: Maintained when full.

Park and Prospect Streets, Avis, PA 17721 (inside Avis United Methodist Church)
Telephone: 570-753-8632

Hours: 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Ages served: 6 weeks through 12 years
Cost: varies with age
Enrollment size: 143
Services provided: All Things Bright and Beautiful strives to give positive development, ethical and spiritual guidance. We are committed to providing sensible Christian values, quality pre-education and creative play and friendship opportunities. Nutritionally sound breakfasts, lunches and snacks are provided at no additional charge. Daily reports of each child’s activities are given and monthly newsletters are provided to keep parents up-to-date on weekly themes and special events. Both full and part-time positions are available.

Waiting List: Openings currently available; waiting list maintained when full.
145 East Water Street, Lock Haven, PA 17745
Telephone: 570-748-6727

Hours: Monday-Friday 6:00am-6:00 pm
Ages served: 6 weeks-12 years of age
Cost: Please call for more information.
Enrollment size: Preschool – 20; After school – 30 per site
Services provided: Breakfast, lunch and snack. Daily activities are provided to promote physical, social, emotional and cognitive growth. The gym and pool areas are used to provide gross motor activities.
After school childcare: Childcare is offered through the school year at Mill Hall and Lamar Township Elementary. Hours are Monday-Friday from 2:45-6:00 pm.
Waiting List: Call for availability.

165 Susquehanna Avenue, Lock Haven, PA 17745
Telephone: 570-748-4772
Fax: 570-748-4772
Email: lockhavencc@williamsportymca.org

Hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Monday - Friday
Ages served: Infant Care – 6 weeks through age 12
Cost: Infant Care - $117.00/weekly; Toddler care - $114.00/weekly; Preschool care - $107.00/weekly; School Age - $49.00 AM or PM/$63.00 AM and PM weekly; Limited United Way funding is available to assist families who qualify.
Services provided: Infant, Toddler, Preschool and before and after school programs provided. It is our desire to provide a healthy, safe and attractive environment; develop a warm and productive interaction with parents and families; and implement a stimulating, enriching, age-appropriate curriculum which enhances self-discipline, creativity, communication skills, problem solving, physical skills, self-help and a feeling of self-worth in each child. Meals are provided. USDA funded breakfast, lunch and snack provided. Baby cereal, food and formula provided. Currently a star 2 certified center.
Waiting list: Waiting list maintained when full.

PO Box 396, McElhattan, PA 17748
Telephone: 570-769-6001
Hours: 5:00 AM-12AM
Ages served: All
Cost: Call for rates and additional information
Enrollment size: Call for information.
Waiting List: Maintained

330 North Vesper Street, Lock Haven, PA 17745
Telephone: 570-748-6940

Call for more information between the hours of 6:30 am and 2:30 pm

Your Guardian Angel Preschool and Childcare
1046B Delaware Ave., Jersey Shore, PA 17740
Telephone: 570-753-5133

Hours: 4:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Open the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month until 9 p.m. for babysitting option.
Ages served: 6 weeks and up through school age
Cost: Infant: ($115.00/wk); school age: ($40.00/wk); toddler: ($100.00/wk); preschool: ($90.00/wk.)
Enrollment size: 31
Services provided: Preschool curriculum, story time, meals provided, transportation provided, diapers/wipes/mats/blankets/ etc. provided.
Waiting List: when full
Additional Information: Steam cleaning is used. Inside gross motor room with bikes/wagons/etc. Large fenced-in outside play area. Computer room. Everything’s here for your child to learn and grow just bring your child and a smile.


342 Park Avenue, PO Box 18, Woolrich Community Center, Woolrich, PA 17779
Telephone: 570-769-6152
Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. – Monday through Friday; September - May
Ages served: 3-5 years
Cost: $85 (2days/week/Tuesday & Thursday) $100 (3 days/week – Mon, Wed, Fri.) per month
Enrollment size: 12 children in 2 day program; 16 children in 3 day program
Services provided: Pre-school program that provides a wide variety of activities to enhance social, physical, emotional and intellectual development of young children. Designed around the idea that a child learns best in an environment that offers warm acceptance and exposure to a wide variety of experiences and activities. Field trips, original arts & crafts projects, gym time, individualized group activities, music, pre-math and reading activities are included.
Waiting List: Maintained when full.

Acorn School
12 W. Water Street, PO Box 514, Lock Haven, PA 17745
Director – Lori Shultz
Telephone: 570-748-5991 or 570-748-7839 (H)

Hours: Seedlings (2 year old class) Wednesdays 9:00 am-10:30 am
Pre-School (3 & 4 year olds)-Tues/Thurs mornings 8:30 am-11:00 am
Pre-Kindergarten (4 & 5 year olds)-Monday-Thursday-12-2:30 pm
Cost: call for information
Enrollment size: Seedings-12 students, Pre-School-16 students, Pre-Kindergarten-18 students
Services provided: The Acorn School is a not-for profit organization licensed by the PA Department of Education as a private, academic school. The Acorn School provides developmentally appropriate pre-school experience that stimulates the social, emotional, and intellectual development of young children.

980 East Water Street, Lock Haven, PA 17745
Telephone: 570-748-3928
Hours: Preschool – Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and
11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. ($27.00 weekly)
3 Year olds – Tuesday, Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. ($20.00 weekly)
Ages served: 3 until beginning K
Cost: Preschool (3-5) $27.00; 3 year olds ($20.00 weekly)
Enrollment size: Preschool – 14 in each class; 3 year old – 12 in each class
Services provided: The Stepping Stones Preschool is a developmentally appropriate, play based program available to children from age three until beginning Kindergarten. Activities are provided in a warm nurturing environment to facilitate development in all areas, including socialization, cognition, gross motor, fine motor, self help and language. Stepping Stones provides the unique opportunity of an inclusive environment for those of typical development and those with special needs to play and learn together.
Waiting List: Maintained when full.

Infant Development Program
980 East Water Street, Lock Haven, PA 17745
Telephone: 570-748-3928

Pact-Parenting Program
980 East Water Street, Lock Haven, PA 17745
Telephone: 570-748-3928
Hours: Staff Available 8 a.m. -3 p.m.
Ages served: Parents of children ages birth through high school.
Cost: Free
Enrollment size: varies
Services provided: Classes in a variety of parenting skills are offered. Classes can be center or home based and includes stress management, anger management, infant and child nutrition and infant care.

Early Intervention
Hours: Monday –Friday – 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Ages Served: Birth to Five years
Cost: Free
Enrollment Size: Varies
Services Provided: Home-based and center-based early intervention services are provided to children ages birth to five years of age with special needs. Available services include educational instruction, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, family services, parent support, and transportation.
Waiting List: None

Infant Development Program
980 East Water Street, Lock Haven, PA 17745
Telephone: 570-748-3928

PA Elks Home Service Project
Hours: Monday –Friday – 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Ages Served: Individuals of any age Cost: Free
Enrollment Size: Not applicable
Services Provided: The mission of the PA Elks Home Service Project is to support and promote the independence of individuals with developmental disabilities by providing advocacy services in their home environment. The registered nurse assesses needs and helps access equipment, provides in-home medical case management, and assists with finding activities and supports within the community.
Waiting List: None

2138 Lincoln Street, P.O. Box 3568, Williamsport, PA 17701-8568
Telephone: 570-327-5495 Toll Free 1-800-346-3020
CCIS Manager – Patricia Jenkins
Services provided: Helps determine subsidized child care eligibility. Provides resource and referral on how to select child care.

2138 Lincoln Street, P.O. Box 3568, Williamsport, PA 17701-8568
Telephone: Toll Free 1-800-346-3020
Contact: Patty Cohick
The Pennsylvania Early Learning Keys to Quality, sponsored by the Department of Public Welfare's Office of Child Development, is a quality improvement program in which all early learning programs and practitioners are encouraged and supported to improve child outcomes.Vision: All Pennsylvania families will have access to high-quality early care and education and school-age child care opportunities for their children that fosters success in school and in life.
Website: www.pakeys.org

C/o Penn State Cooperative Extension-Clinton County 47 Cooperation Lane Mill Hall, PA 17751
Telephone: 570-726-0022
Contact: Laurie Welch
The mission is to educate, assist and involve Clinton County families, businesses and communities in understanding and valuing the important role quality early care and education plays in determining future success.
• To increase understanding of the importance of quality early care and education.
• To educate the public to the true cost of quality early care and education.
• To give the community tools to identify and select quality early care and education.
• To increase awareness of the impact of early care and educational issues upon the business community.
• To improve public understanding of the impact of policy and legislation on quality early care and education

Website: www.clintoncountychildcare.org


44 West Main Street, Lock Haven, PA 17745
Director – Glenda Killinger
Telephone (Church): 570-748-6481
Telephone (Director): 570-726-2080

Hours: Tuesday & Thursday – 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Cost: $15 per child (month) - $5 each additional sibling
Enrollment size: 12 per class
Services provided: Not a drop off daycare. Parents must accompany child. Program includes field trips, holiday programs and various play and educational activities. Snack provided.
Waiting list: None at this time.

64 Keystone Central Drive, Mill Hall, PA 17751
Child Care Instructor
Central Mountain High School
Telephone: 570-893-4646 Ext. 4366

Hours: Morning Group – Tuesday, Wed, and Thursday – 8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
- 2 and 3 year olds
Afternoon Group – Monday, Wednesday, and Friday – 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
- 4 and 5 year olds
Cost: $5.00 per week
Enrollment size: Usually Accepts 15 – 20 children (Am session usually full)
Services provided: Students provide guided activities – circle time, art and craft, indoor-outdoor, and snack. We also provide a lot of free play time.