Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Community Report Care 2007

The Clinton County Early Care and Education Initiative
2006-2007 Community Report Card

Vision Statement: High quality early care and education is a valued priority

Mission: To educate, assist and involve Clinton County families, businesses and communities in understanding and valuing the important role quality early care and education plays in determining future success.

Did you know?
In the US, an estimated 6 million children under the age of 3 spend some or all of their day being cared for by someone other than a member of their immediate family
There are over 4,440 children under the age of 14 living in Clinton County and only 750 registered child care spots in 2007?

What has the Clinton County Early Care and Education Initiative done to address these issues in 2006-2007 ?
Serves as Chair of the Clinton County Collaborative Board which meets on a monthly basis with a variety of agencies to address a wide array of community issues
Provided free school readiness information for parents of children enrolling in Kindergarten.
Hosted a Child Care Focus group for child care providers to survey their needs and the needs of their clients
Staffed an educational display at the Children’s Festival
Developed an educational display at the Clinton County Expo in which @9,000 residents attended
Provided resources for Licensed childcare providers for Child Care Provider Appreciation Day in May
Developed and distributed an updated listing of all licensed providers in the county
Sponsored educational radio advertisements on how to choose quality childcare and promote Keystone Stars, PA Promise for Children and Pre K Counts Initiative
Developed billboards in the community to educate the public about childcare issuess
Develop and maintain a website that provides early care and education information (www.clintoncountychildcare.org)
Wrote and had published 6 issues of the Family Fun Guide through the Lock Haven Express in collaboration with community agencies
Hosted two a business forums for community business leaders
Enhance the Early Care and Education Lending Library at Clinton County Cooperative Extension and the Ross Library and their branch libraries
Worked with the local Interagency Coordinating Council to offer specialized trainings and screenings for children
Hosted a legislative luncheon to update local officials on the accomplishments of the engagement team and new initiatives
Coordinated the PA One Book Initiative in Clinton County
Served on the planning committed for the Pre K Counts Initiative
Worked with local childcare providers and the school district to host a school transition experience for children ready to enter kindergarten
In 2006-2007 offered 30 hours of Act 48 and DPW credit hours (and CEU’s) to child care providers and parents and trained 300 providers.

Benefits to Quality Care and Education:
Research indicates the skills learned in the first five years of life are critical to future school success
For every $1 invested in quality early childhood programs, there is a long-term benefit of $8 in public savings by increasing the likelihood that children will stay in school and become employed
Children demonstrate greater social skills as pre-schoolers, kindergarten and primary grades
Children show greater motivation for learning and commitment to school and have better school attendance rates
Demonstrate better classroom behavior and have better relations with teachers and classmates
Parents who have access to quality childcare are more likely to maintain steady employment, contribute to the community and become productive workers and community members

For more information: Contact Laurie Welch at 726-0022 or visit www.clintoncountychildcare.org

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.